“(Here a stone fragment is humming quietly to a group of children on an excursion, sensing a story that holds the last of the bomb—oxygen, limestone, fiberglass, mercury, sweat, flesh rotting underwater.)”
The Approach is a speculative exploration, featuring a future that has engaged emerging technologies to comprehend articulations of the material world. Both a portal that peers into a possible future of more-than-human care, and itself an act of futuring, The Approach extends upon artist Priya Namana’s world building of future company Pinnacle, and its visionary leader Dr. Maya Space. The Approach is presented as chapter of a larger collection published in 2092 Object Permanence: The rise of Pinnacle and the return to a common sense. It was commissioned by Kings Run ARI as a part of the Emerging writers program, and published to accompany Namana’s 2022 exhibition 22_6931_300371.
and find out more about the Kings Run ARI writing program here.